Falling into Autumn

I’ve heard my husband say probably 10 times in the past week, “Fall is my favorite time of the year.” Why is fall so intriguing? For me, it’s a time when the hustle of summer begins to calm down. A sense of routine comes back into practice. The weather shifts to cool, crisp, refreshing days. The leaves begin to change to a plethora of magical colors. Perhaps this is a quieter time for many, where we can begin to spend time connecting to ourselves and our inner teachers. It’s traditionally the harvest season, where we can begin to collect the essential parts of ourselves that can feed our wellbeing. We shift towards deep gratitude for the growth that we have created. One thing is certain in life, change is the only guarantee. Fall reminds us of this change, and how to fully embrace the transition with positivity and abundance.
The autumn equinox usually falls (punny…I know) on or around September 22. It is typically the time of year when the day and night are approximately equal in length. This time of year can be considered the Moon Season, as the moon is in the sky more during the fall/winter months. We tend to find ourselves in a more introverted space, where we begin to reflect and repair in the comfy, quiet confinements of the season.
It's also associated with back to school, which for me, is deeply embedded in my psyche. I feel the shift in energy when the kids are getting ready to shift from summer activities to the routine of fall. I feel the energy shift, and maybe a wave a disappointment as the season changes. Yet, I am reminded of the balance that fall brings. We find ourselves in a time when we are gathering and preparing for our winter. We get cozy in warm clothes, spending time with family and friends, gathering by the fire, collecting pumpkins and apples, making delicious foods…the list of fall activities goes on and on.

Finding balance brings us back to self-care. Taking care of our needs, so we can better serve others around us. We want to help you find your balance this fall. If you follow us on social media, we will be sharing different ideas, strategies, and activities that can help you hone in on the productive seeds to harvest, and release what does not serve you. May I suggest starting by setting a fall intention. Allow this intention to be your guide. Write it down, dance with it, or bake it into your food. However, you hold your intention know it is there. Then allow it to be. Try not to overthink it. Once it is set, you can hold it close to your heart. It will be there for you always. Trust that bringing the awareness into your being will allow for the manifestation to begin.
We at Crescent Moon Wellness Center are so grateful to be part of your wellness. We offer daily yoga practices and have 8 experienced massage therapists at the studio ready to assist you on your path! Trust that you are your own healer. Becoming aware of your surroundings, the power of self-care, and receiving abundance can be life changing.